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Our loved ones are around us even after they die. They let us know in a variety of ways, including passing messages through a medium, or a person who can communicate with those in the spirit world.
During this class, you will learn how to bring evidence of the continuation of life after death in the physical world. You will learn how to use your innate intuitive abilities to engage with those already crossed over. You will learn and practice a variety of techniques to help you blend with the spirit world and bring messages of love and compassion from those already crossed over to family and friends that remain on the earth plane.
Students will work individually and in partner exercises to practice these new skills. Use these techniques to bring messages of love and compassion from those already crossed over to the family and loved ones here.
We will be utilizing videoconferencing. A zoom link will be sent out each week. Class materials (included in course price) will be sent via email prior to the start of class.
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Type | Introduction, 4 Week Series Online ~ Level 1, 4 Week Series Online ~ Level 2, Level 1, Level 2, Development Workshop |
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